Information Technology News & Information

Our National Cyber Security is at Risk but You Can Help

As the demand for experienced cyber security workers increases, our national security decreases. Some analysts believe that by as early as next year there could be a global shortage of cybersecurity professionals. With cyber-attacks becoming an increasing threat, enlisting and training a new generation of well-versed cyber security experts, as well as training current workers […]

Information Technology News & Information

A Dangerous New Keylogger is on the Market

“Mass Logger,” a new keylogger on the market, has the potential to become extremely dangerous for businesses and individuals. Keyloggers are a type of malware, usually found within phishing campaigns, that store all information you type into your computer. These malicious programs can lead to many of your passwords becoming compromised. Why is This Key […]

Information Technology News & Information

New Ransomware on the Horizon: Tycoon

Windows and Linux users are once again the targets of a new string of ransomware: Tycoon. First discovered in 2019, the new strain of ransomware was created to attack educational institutes and software industries. Once inside, Tycoon proceeds to encrypt file servers, demanding a ransom for decryption. What makes this ransomware different from its predecessors […]

Information Technology News & Information

Cybersecurity News Bulletin

After the death of Iran’s General Qassem Solelmani, the United States may end up dealing with some serious cyber-attacks.  Since 1984, the United States has recognized Iran as a nation that supports terrorism and terrorist organizations, which has led to previous conflicts between the two nations. However, after the recent assassination of General Qassem Solelmani, […]