Information Technology News & Information

Microsoft Teams and the Progress It Can Bring to Your Company

Microsoft Teams, a platform by which you can propel your company into the 21st century. Microsoft Teams is a platform consisting of channels that your team can use to work together on projects, hold meetings, and or just chat with one another. Teams can also be used to help organize your company, through its countless features such as the ability to create folders, and its utilization of other Office 365 applications. To learn more, we recommend clicking here to learn everything Microsoft Teams has to offer! It includes a free sign up, goes over the basics, and has a neat video!

Information Technology News & Information Tech Tips

Windows 7: End of Service

It’s finally time to say goodbye to our old friend. In a few months, January 14, 2020, to be exact, Windows 7 will officially no longer be receiving security patches and updates from Microsoft. Therefore, if you are one of the many still calling Windows 7 your home, it may be time to think about moving to Windows 10. Why is this Important to Me? Many of you are probably thinking, “Why should I worry about moving to a new operating system?”. The answer is security. When Microsoft pulls the plug on the extended support (January 14, 2020) that means Windows 7 will no longer receive any critical updates. Updates that would fix security holes and exploits. This means that the longer you wait to move to Windows 10, the more at risk you are of an attack. Why Not Move to Windows 8? If you are looking for an Operating System similar to Windows 7, you should look no further than to Windows 10. Windows 10, while there are differences between them, is more similar to Windows 7. Windows 8, on the other hand, is, for lack of a better term, a mess. The desperate attempt to mix the mobile and PC platform was a disaster and will ultimately leave you with a sour taste wishing for anything else. The other reason to make the jump to Windows 10 and not 8 is because Windows 8 will also cease support soon. In January 2023 the extended support for Windows 8 will end, and with it will come the same security risks of Windows 7. As we said earlier, for those of you looking to fill the void left from your goodbye to Windows 7, Windows 10 is there. If you find yourself needing assistance in migrating yourself or your company to Windows 10, please give us a call! We will be more than happy to assist you in the transition to Windows 10! To learn more about what we can do to assist your company’s growth, click here!

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Fileless Malware? Microsoft Pops the Hood on Astaroth

The Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection Research Team have released a warning to all Windows users informing them that a notorious malware has resurfaced and has begun to spread once again. This malware, named Astaroth (The Great Duke of Hell), steals user credentials without ever needing to install malicious software. What makes this malware so notorious is not just that it deploys keyloggers and monitors the clipboard, aiding in its ability to steal login credentials, instead it does all this without downloading any executable file onto the user’s machine. The attack begins when the user opens a link within a phishing email. The link, unbeknownst to the user, opens a shortcut file which launches a terminal command that downloads and runs JavaScript code. From there the JavaScript pulls and runs two DLL files which do the dirty work of keylogging the user’s information and uploading it to the remote attacker. It does this entire process without the user ever knowing it is going on, raising serious concerns for businesses and personal machines. To stop the Malware, Anti-Virus programs need closely monitor how WMIC command-line code, applying rules to such code when necessary. This includes regularly checking the age of the files being called and flagging or completely blocking newly created DLL files. However, Microsoft’s anti-virus, as well as other anti-virus programs, have been updated to watch for such occurrences. Nevertheless, it is crucial that you remain cautious when online. Malware like this, even though modern anti-virus has been updated to watch for these suspicious actions, is not full proof. You should never look at your anti-virus as being the first line of defense; that what you are! If you are worried that an email may be a phishing scam, the chances are that it is. Always verify with the sender before you click on any links or download any files, and you will ensure that your computer and data remains safe! If you are worried that your business may be vulnerable to cyber attacks, contact Hammett Technologies! We use only the latest cybersecurity technology to ensure that your data is always safe. To find out more about what we can do to assist your company, click here!

Information Technology News & Information

Exploit in Microsoft Teams Leaves Users Vulnerable

Microsoft Teams is known for being a reliable chatting software that many businesses use for communicating and sharing documents within your company. We utilize Teams every day at Hammett Technologies and could not be happier with its overall ease of use, innovation, and productivity. However, recently, security researchers have discovered an exploit within the business chatting software from Microsoft. This exploit could potentially allow for malicious files to be downloaded and executed. How Can It Happen? Microsoft Teams utilizes the Squirrel project, which deals with installation and updating. Through the use of the “update” command, hackers can potentially upload and execute malicious files into Microsoft Teams. Along with this are other exploits, allowing for remote download and execution of malicious files. What Can I Do to Secure Teams? When it comes to computer viruses, the rule of thumb is always to make sure you and your team have strong passwords in place. This can deter unwanted guest from gaining access to your accounts and causing damage to your company. This rule applies here, as well. The only way malicious files can be uploaded Teams is through access, therefore, ensure that all members have strong passwords, ensure that permissions are set in place to ensure that those less trusted, or those with temporary access, are unable to upload or download documents. If you are unsure about the security of your Microsoft Teams environment, call Hammett Technologies! Our free assessment scans for issues like these and will bring security risks to your attention immediately. With us as your IT department, you can rest easy knowing your network, and online presence is secure! If you would like to find out more about what we can do for your company, click here!

Information Technology News & Information Tech Tips

Your Email Is on Hold

Another example of how someone will attempt to trick you into giving out your personal information! Please, make sure you are always paying attention when going through your email. If an email appears sketchy, it most likely is! Most of the time, the biggest give away is the senders email address! The email address “” should stand out as a red flag. Upon closer inspection you will notice that the “O” in Microsoft is in fact a “0”(zero). Once you notice something like this, make the email as spam and move along! Remember to always be on the lookout! If possible, get in contact with the company that email appears to be from! This will help you gain peace of mind, as well as notify the company of a possible issue!