Information Technology News & Information Services Tech Tips

It’s Time to Upgrade Your Cybersecurity Defense

As businesses become more and more connected to the internet, the threat of a data breach only increases. A study conducting by the University of Maryland in 2017 discovered that, on average, computers with internet access are attacked every 39 seconds. While this figure may be worrisome, this should come as no surprise to most. […]

Information Technology News & Information Services Tech Tips

The Importance of Cyber Security and The Increase Risks of Data Breaches

As technology continues to advance, so do those who aim to use it to exploit others. According to Accenture, when a business suffers a cybersecurity attack, an estimated $2.4 million is spent on recovery, and it takes an estimated 50 days to recover from the attack entirely. On a global scale, the average business can […]

Information Technology News & Information Tech Tips

Tax Season Is Here and So Are The Thieves

Tax season is no doubt a happy time for many Americans. The extra boost in cash from paying taxes makes everyone’s wallet feel great! However, where there is money, there are unwelcome guests. While many are preparing their taxes and W-2 forms, hackers are busy developing malware to infect and steal information from unsuspecting victims. […]