Business Clients Information Technology News & Information Services Tech Tips Technology

How Regular IT Maintenance Boosts Your Business Productivity

Running a business involves taking care of a lot of moving parts. One area you might think about only sometimes is your computer hardware, which includes your servers and other parts and accessories of your computers. It is essential to take good care of your computer hardware. Regular maintenance can help your business run smoother, catch issues early, and improve system performance. Understanding Hardware Maintenance Hardware maintenance is like a health checkup for your computer. It means looking at, fixing, and updating the parts of your computer. These parts include the keyboard, drives, hard disk, and battery. Regular maintenance can make your computers work better and last longer. A computer that gets regular checkups can last five to eight years or even more. Why Hardware Maintenance Matters Many businesses focus too much on software maintenance and sometimes overlook the hardware. But taking care of your hardware is also critical to prevent any business disruption. Here’s why: Avoid Problems. Regular maintenance helps you catch issues before they get big. This saves you from unexpected breakdowns and business downtime. Work Faster. When your computers are in good shape, they work better. Your tasks get done quicker, helping you reach your goals faster. Last Longer. Maintenance helps your equipment last longer. This saves you money overall because you won’t need to replace your hardware as often. Stay Safe. Regular checkups reduce the risk of data loss. This keeps your business information safer. Taking Care of Your Hardware Here are some ways to keep your computer hardware well-maintained: Keep Them Clean. Dust and dirt can cause your computers to overheat or work slower. Regular cleaning keeps your computers running smoothly. Check Your Fans. Fans keep your computer cool. Make sure they’re working well to avoid overheating. Upgrade When Needed. Sometimes, your hardware might need an upgrade. This can help your computer keep up with new software or heavy workloads. Check Your Battery. Make sure your battery holds a charge. If it doesn’t, it might be time to replace it. Regular Checkups. Regular professional checkups can help spot and fix issues before they get serious. The Importance of Maintenance in Productivity Regular hardware maintenance is a big part of a successful business. It helps your computers work better and last longer. It catches problems before they can slow you down. And it keeps your data safe. Pay attention to your hardware and give it the care it needs. You’ll see the results in your business’s productivity. Explore a wealth of information on our website Visit our Socials! Hammett Technologies (@HammettTech) / Twitter

Business Clients Cyber Security Information Technology News & Information Services Tech Tips Technology

Hackers Fool Multi-Factor Authentication

In the world of cybersecurity, change is the only constant. For many business owners, multi-factor authentication (MFA) has been the go-to option for extra security. But hackers today are more ingenious, working around the old systems that used to stop them. New tricks are emerging to get business data and customers’ sensitive information. MFA remains an essential to online security, but hackers are figuring out ways to bypass it. Why Does This Matter for Your Business? The danger is that hackers could take over your business account. Hackers who get past your MFA could get to your private business data. They could mess up your work, misuse your customer data, or even conduct fraud under your name. Just using MFA isn’t enough anymore.   MFA Weak Points Here are possible vulnerabilities in the MFA system that businesses should know: Social Engineering. Hackers trick users into giving away their MFA codes by pretending to be someone they trust, like customer service or IT support. Stealing Codes. Threat actors steal your password or security code by intercepting your messages with the security team. MFA Prompt Bombing. Hackers will send too many security requests, so you click “approve” to stop the alerts. Once you do, the hacker, who started the prompts, gets access. SIM Card Swapping. This happens when a hacker fools your phone company into giving your phone number to their SIM card. They can then steal security codes sent by text. Malware. Threat actors can use harmful software to get to your device and steal MFA data through bad apps, email attachments, or unsafe websites. Strengthening Your MFA Strategy Rethink how you manage your online security by enhancing password hygiene and promoting a culture of alertness. Use different, tough-to-guess passwords for more secure processes. Train your team to recognize when someone is trying to steal their info. Educate them about the latest tricks used by hackers. Keep your systems and security software updated. Updates often include fixes for new threats. In addition, consider using controls that limit unsuccessful login attempts. This can stop attacks and protect against account lockouts. A Layered Defense Is Your Best Offense MFA is an integral part of your strategy to stay safe online. However, it shouldn’t be your only security strategy. Knowing how hackers get past extra security and staying informed about new cyber threats helps you protect your business. Create a robust security system with many layers. Ultimately, it is all about staying one step ahead of the hackers. Explore a wealth of information on our website Visit our Socials! Hammett Technologies (@HammettTech) / Twitter

Business Information Technology News & Information Reports Technology

Apple’s Latest iOS 16.5.1 Updates Security Flaws

Running a business involves keeping your devices and digital assets secure. Fresh concerns have emerged with the recent discovery of two significant vulnerabilities in Apple’s software. These vulnerabilities were exploited in Apple devices with software older than iOS 15.7. Operation Triangulation and iMessage Attacks An operation called “Operation Triangulation” has led to the discovery of the flaws. Here, the iMessage app was the entry point for hackers. The harmful code they used could get into a device’s memory. It could execute commands, track the device, and collect data. The party behind the campaign is still unknown. Prompt Patches and Updates Apple quickly acted, releasing updates across iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and Safari. These patches fixed the exploited vulnerabilities, including the two from Operation Triangulation. The two significant vulnerabilities are: CVE-2023-32434: This flaw at the kernel level can let a harmful app execute its code. CVE-2023-32435: This problem in WebKit could let unauthorized code run when handling specific web content. Along with these, Apple introduced a third zero-day patch for CVE-2023-32439. Like the WebKit flaw, this could let unauthorized code run when processing harmful web content. These patches are for devices from iPhone 8 onwards, all iPad Pro models, and the seventh-generation iPod touch. Defending Your Business: Practical Steps to Take So how can you shield your business from such threats? Here are four clear steps: Patch Installation. Act swiftly and install the latest patches from Apple. This is the critical first step to secure your devices. Antivirus Software. Use good antivirus software. It can scan, detect, and isolate threats to your device’s security. Automatic Updates. Turn on automatic updates. This will make sure your devices have the latest defenses as soon as they’re out. Cybersecurity Training for Employees. Your team can act as the first line of defense. Train them on how to recognize and avoid potential threats. Steering Clear of Cyberthreats These recent issues with Apple software stress the need for strong cybersecurity measures. But with the timely patches from Apple, there’s a way forward. You can keep your devices safe by staying updated and using strong antivirus software. You should also educate your team about cybersecurity. And safer devices translate to a more secure business. Visit our Socials! Hammett Technologies (@HammettTech) / Twitter  

Business Cyber Security Information Technology News & Information Reports Technology Uncategorized

Scammers Use Government Websites to Advertise Hacking Services

Government website services are seen as sources people can trust. However, threat actors use this trust for their harmful purposes. Scammers recently used official websites to advertise their hacking services. This situation shows why businesses should be on the lookout and take more robust computer security measures to avoid being affected by this type of risk. Hackers Use Flaws to Spread SEO Spam Scammers found weaknesses in US government websites and used them to upload advertisements for their hacking services. A federal agency and several universities were also affected. The ads were disguised as PDFs and offered hacking services for sale. There were links to websites showing different hacked social media accounts. They also provided services for fake followers and video game cheating. The ads were selling “easy and safe” hacking solutions that had no hidden goals. The people whose accounts were hacked even had names and images on some of the websites. Based on the PDF file dates, those ads have likely been there for some time. According to experts, the hackers have used open-source software, which can be used to create popups that make sure website visitors are real people. Due to security flaws, the SEO PDF ads surfaced on official websites. It seems like the hacking services advertised were made up as part of a click fraud campaign to get users’ money. While this complex attack went undetected for a while, it could have been worse. Instead of trying to sell scam services, the criminals could have uploaded infected links or content to the PDFs. It could have led to a massive data breach and other permanent consequences. For that reason, businesses should be aware of website weaknesses that can host SEO spam. A Call for Businesses to Prevent Security Problems Cybercriminals take advantage of any flaws. Businesses need to be aware of possible weaknesses, fix them, and use strong security measures. To build a solid defense, businesses must train their staff members to avoid these threats. Because scammers and hackers can affect their customers and clients, taking the necessary measures against them is vital. Read more blogs on: Visit or socials! Hammett Technologies (@HammettTech) / Twitter

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Reshaping Business Operations for Unprecedented Growth with AI and Automation

Picture this: your business is a well-oiled machine, tackling daily challenges and achieving new milestones effortlessly. All the while, you’re outpacing your competition. Sounds like a dream, right? But what if this dream could become a reality by harnessing the power of AI and automation? These advanced technologies reshape how businesses work in today’s fast-changing digital world. They unlock incredible efficiency and fuel growth like never before. This article will explore how you can use AI and automation to transform your business. We’ll show you ways to stay ahead of the competition and embrace these exciting technologies. Revolutionizing Customer Service One area where AI can make a significant impact is customer service. By utilizing AI-powered chatbots, you can provide instant customer support 24/7. These virtual assistants can take care of simple questions. This allows your team to focus on more complicated tasks. As a result, customers get quicker and better support. Enhancing Data Analysis and Decision Making Data is the lifeblood of any modern business, and AI can help you better use the information you collect. Machine learning can analyze huge data sets. It finds patterns and trends that need noticing. This makes understanding data more manageable. With AI, you can make smarter decisions. It helps you improve your marketing plans and develop better products. In the end, your whole business performs better. Streamlining Workflow With Automation Automation is another key way to optimize your operations. Automation can help with tasks like data entry and order processing. Handling these repetitive jobs saves time and prevents mistakes due to human error. Imagine a retail business that automated its inventory management system. This change would accomplish two things. First, it would save employees from tedious manual tasks. Second, it would ensure stock levels are accurate and current. Optimizing Resource Allocation AI and automation can also help you allocate resources more efficiently. Predictive analytics helps foresee demand. You can change staffing or production assignments as needed. This leads to cost savings as your business becomes more efficient and adaptable. Ignite Your Business Transformation By embracing the power of AI and automation, you can boost your business and propel it toward greater success than ever before. These advanced technologies offer new opportunities for innovation and improved customer satisfaction. So, leap into the future and ignite your transformation journey with the guidance of AI and automation. Let these tools help unlock your business’s full potential and achieve unprecedented growth.

Business Information Technology News & Information Technology

Amazon Quantum Networks

Quantum networks don’t exist yet, but breakthroughs are happening everywhere. Amazon Web Services’ new project is an example of that. With fiber optic systems nearing their limits, the tech giant is developing a faster and more secure way to transmit data. It is seeking to unlock the full potential of quantum computing and networking through diamonds. Amazon Partners With De Beers to Create Quantum Networks Amazon Web Services (AWS) has partnered with diamond minders De Beers to produce lab-grown diamonds. AWS will be using these precious stones to develop its quantum networks. Quantum networking will be far more secure than today’s standard networks. Thanks to a phenomenon called “entanglement,” quantum information is unhackable. Once two quantum bits (or qubits) are entangled, they will mirror each other even if they are far apart. The sender keeps one qubit, and the recipient gets the other which will serve as the key to unlock the encrypted message. The quantum state will collapse if someone tries to intercept the quantum-encoded information. However, this type of communication is currently only for short distances. Quantum information is fragile, and the slightest disturbance in a fiber optic cable can cause a qubit entanglement to fall out. That is where AWS’ diamonds come in. They act as special signal repeaters to help quantum information go the distance. Their hardened form, together with their lenticular property, will stabilize quantum computing. De Beers will be growing 2 million diamond components annually for AWS. Through the chemical vapor deposition method, the lab-grown diamonds will have a dark border of impurities. These impurities will be mostly nitrogen which will act as signal repeaters. AWS aims to build a link between quantum computers in different parts of the world. What Does This Mean for Businesses? Quantum computing and networking are still in their early stages. But they are gaining traction fast. Business owners must be ready to adopt this technological advancement once it becomes available on a larger scale. One of the most significant advantages of quantum computing for businesses is quick data analytics. Analyzing large amounts of data and solving complex problems will be much easier. Quantum computing can also enhance the abilities of artificial intelligence. That means businesses can be more productive, avoid mistakes, and make better decisions. Given these benefits, it is worth exploring the business value of quantum computing.

Business Case Studies Cyber Security Information Technology News & Information Reports Technology

Recovering Trust: Meta’s Refund Initiatives for Advertising Glitch Provide Relief to Affected Advertisers

Imagine putting money into an ad plan and having a tech issue cause costs to skyrocket. This issue hit many businesses when Meta Platforms, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, faced a large glitch. The unexpected surprise On April 23, 2023, a tech issue caused problems for businesses using Facebook for ads. This glitch forced companies to spend more money than planned. Though the glitch affected many, the impact was not evenly distributed. Big businesses that spend about $200,000 per month have a direct link to Meta and personal account reps. But smaller advertisers do not get the same luxury. Reimbursements Amid Controversy To rectify the situation, Meta began issuing refunds. This initiative provided some comfort, but it came with its share of skepticism. Some say the distribution of reimbursements appeared imbalanced. Reports hint at favoritism, suggesting advertisers with stronger connections with Meta received refunds readily. However, Meta maintains that refunds are determined case-by-case based on the unique circumstances of each issue. The Struggle of Small Advertisers The heart of the controversy lies with smaller businesses, many of whom felt the effects of the glitch profoundly. These businesses spend a lot on Meta’s platforms but lack the same support as the bigger ones. Some received refunds beginning on May 12, 2023. But the process has been slow for many, causing considerable anxiety. In response to the backlash, Meta promised to address the technical problem swiftly. Meta is focusing on improving the automated systems that originally caused the delivery mishaps. What can you do? As business owners, you should always keep an eye on your ad spending, especially on social media platforms. Remember that vigilance is key. If something looks off, reach out to customer service right away. Checking the return on your ad spending can also help you spot any issues faster. In the Middle of It All: Getting Trust Back As Meta continues its refund initiatives, the focus remains on regaining trust. It’s crucial that smaller businesses also receive the attention and support they need. By providing transparent processes and equitable treatment, Meta could do much more to rebuild trust with advertisers. This situation serves as a stark reminder: glitches can and do occur, and their effects can be far-reaching. If you spend time on these platforms, stay aware, be ready, and prepare your business for these issues.

Business Clients Cyber Security Information Technology News & Information Tech Tips Technology

Embracing Password Passkeys: Strengthening Business Security in the Password-less Era

Passwords protect our privacy but don’t offer the most convenient experience. Tech giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft show that there’s a better alternative: passkeys. They are a different form of login credentials, consisting of two interlocking parts. The first one is kept on a secure device like your smartphone. The second is shared with the website or app you have an account with. You need both components to log in successfully. Your device will use your biometrics to confirm your identity when signing in. The two parts will then create an authentication token. Passkeys offer better security and are easier to use than passwords. More companies are standing behind passkeys hoping to create a password-less future. Here’s how businesses can benefit from passkeys: Airtight Security Passwords don’t provide airtight security, even if you follow best practices. Hackers use various methods to access private data, including brute-force attacks. It is a trial-and-error hacking method that cracks passwords and other login credentials. Passkeys offer excellent protection against these security threats. It is harder for hackers to gain access to sensitive data when you don’t input a password. They can’t use phishing schemes, brute-force attacks, or other methods to steal your personal information. They would need to be in physical possession of your device to hack into your account. With passkeys, businesses have better data protection. Enhanced User Experience Users have to manage various passwords to maintain their accounts. As their list of complicated passwords gets longer, their patience starts running out. That is the start of password fatigue. It is the overwhelming sense of stress and frustration from having to remember too many passwords. With passkeys, your employees and customers don’t have to create and remember complicated passwords. They can easily access their accounts without having to type anything. They also don’t have to go through a tedious recovery process because they forgot their login credentials. Passkeys save time and effort, enhancing the user experience. It can lower drop-offs, boost customer satisfaction, and encourage brand loyalty. Lower Costs The traditional login method requires account lockouts, support calls, and password resets. Businesses have to spend considerable amounts of money on these features. Passkeys are easier on the budget and require less support and maintenance. They only need unique codes and biometrics to work. That allows businesses to save on valuable resources. The Future of Passkeys Passwords aren’t going to disappear overnight. It will take time for websites to adopt passkey support. But we can expect passkeys to become the universal authentication method in the future. Passkeys offer several advantages over traditional passwords in strengthening business security, so business owners must be ready to make the switch.

Business Clients Information Technology News & Information Tech Tips Technology Uncategorized

Understanding SEO: A Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures your website and content appear early in search engine rankings. When a person uses a search engine, your relevant content should be among the first they find and click on. Here’s what you need to know about SEO and how to make it work for you. Optimize Keywords Keywords are the terms a user types into a search engine to find what they’re looking for. You can find the words users search most often by using a keyword optimization tool, some of which are free. Balance keyword use throughout the content, URL, title, and metadata. For the best results, use low-competition words and don’t overuse them. Titles should be 50 to 60 characters long, and at least one heading should have the main keyword. You can add some other secondary keywords once or twice in the content. Many tools are available to make sure you’re optimizing your keywords. Ensure Quality Content To rank high on search engines, you need to have high-quality content. So how do you define good content? Variety Quality content uses more than just words. It contains images, videos, infographics, and various ways to enhance the user experience. It also includes internal links to other content you produce, increasing traffic across the entire site. Good Writing Quality content is well-written and easy to understand. It uses neutral language, and it isn’t too informal or silly. It states the information in an accessible way and makes every word count. High quality also requires the content to be edited and free of error. Relevance The information should be relevant to the user’s search. For example, if they’re searching for the best tires for their vehicle, leave out where to get a good paint job. Keeping the content relevant means the search engine knows to rank it high. Create Backlinks Good search engine optimization requires backlinks. Backlinks are when your content links to a different website, usually using a vital keyword. Backlinks are important because they signal that outside sources can trust your content. It also increases your traffic from other websites. Several tools are available for backlinking if you don’t want to go at it alone. Optimize for Mobile Have you ever clicked on a webpage from your mobile device that doesn’t look right? It makes it frustrating to use, and most users go elsewhere to find information. You need to optimize your website for mobile devices to ensure you get in on this significant traffic source. Monitor and Adjust SEO strategy isn’t static. As keywords change in popularity, you’ll need to adjust your content. Analytics tools (like Google Analytics) help you keep track of how your content is performing and make any adjustments to which keywords you use, the relevance of the content, and your backlinks. Master SEO Mastering search engine optimization takes time. Luckily, various tools and services are available to help. If you keep this guide in mind and are willing to analyze and adjust, the basics will eventually become mastery.

Business Clients Cyber Security Information Technology News & Information Technology

IT Compliance: What You Should Know

IT compliance is indeed crucial for organizations to ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of their information systems and data. Compliance requirements vary based on industry, geographical location, and specific regulations. While I can provide you with a general overview, it’s important to consult with legal and compliance professionals to ensure accurate and up-to-date information for your specific situation. Here are some common IT compliance requirements: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): GDPR is a comprehensive data protection regulation that applies to organizations handling the personal data of European Union (EU) citizens. It mandates strict requirements for data protection, consent, breach notification, and data subject rights. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS): PCI DSS is a set of security standards that organizations must follow if they handle credit card information. It focuses on protecting cardholder data, maintaining secure networks, implementing strong access controls, regularly monitoring and testing systems, and maintaining an information security policy. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): HIPAA applies to organizations in the healthcare industry and governs the security and privacy of protected health information (PHI). Compliance involves implementing administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect PHI, ensuring patient rights, and implementing proper data breach notification procedures. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX): SOX is a financial regulation that applies to publicly traded companies in the United States. It focuses on financial reporting and includes provisions to ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial information. IT compliance requirements involve maintaining proper internal controls, secure storage of financial data, and data retention policies. Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA): FISMA is a U.S. federal law that establishes security standards for federal agencies and contractors. It requires implementing risk management processes, developing security plans, conducting security assessments, and establishing incident response capabilities. ISO 27001: ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It provides a framework for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve their information security processes. Compliance involves conducting risk assessments, implementing security controls, and establishing a management system to monitor and review security practices. California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): CCPA is a privacy law that applies to businesses operating in California and handling personal information of California residents. Compliance requires implementing data protection measures, providing consumer rights to access and delete their personal information, and disclosing data collection and usage practices. NIST Cybersecurity Framework: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework provides guidelines for organizations to manage and mitigate cybersecurity risks. It includes five core functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. Compliance involves aligning with these functions to improve cybersecurity posture. These are just a few examples of IT compliance requirements. Depending on your industry and specific circumstances, other regulations and standards may also be applicable. It’s essential to conduct a thorough assessment of your organization’s requirements and seek professional guidance to ensure compliance. Love, C. J. (2023, May 24). IT Compliance is Important: Here are Some Requirements You May Need to Know. ShowTech Solutions.