You have too much at risk to not take your time when shopping online. Slowing down will help you protect your credit, cash and your identity. Don’t let a virus, or worse yet – your identity being stolen – ruin the fun of shopping for yourself or others online. If you don’t take a little extra time to be safe and secure online, it will cost you a lot more money and time in the long run.
Make sure you see "https" (not just http) in the URL. The "S" means the organization is leveraging encryption for its online transaction. Organizations not supporting https are opening their customers to having their online transaction intercepted.
If you "Google" a store or product, double check the URL in the result before you click. Or type in the URL instead of clicking a link search results.
Never Shop on open WiFi. Ensure you are on a trusted internet connection before shopping and making purchases.
Use a credit card, not debit card. If your account is compromised, you have more fraud protection with a credit card than debit. Don't store your card number on the site.
Use caution when clicking on an advertisement for a product received in an email or seen on social media. if not doubt, go directly to the store's website and search for the special
Create strong, unique passwords on every site using at least 8 characters. Use two-factor authentication when offered and do not reuse passwords.
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